RSS feeds let you take a dynamic look at the web. You can learn about updates to web sites and information as they take place. In almost real-time. I predict that RSS is going to be the most happening thing for a long time to come. Have you joined the revolution yet?
As you have already seen, we at Ebizindia have prepared a FREE guide for those hesitating to take the plunge. My FREE guide to your own RSS Feeds takes an uninitiated webmaster or site owner by hand and helps him to publish his first RSS feed. If you don’t have an RSS feed yet, I strongly recommend you download this 16-page, quick-read guide and go, do it. It is easier than you expected!
Keep coming back. I will be reporting about the discoveries I make in my exploration of this vast RSS field. You can learn about creating better feeds and more importantly, about putting these feeds to use – in making your site popular and making money.
Best wishes for a great time!